Tasks are organized by machine, in the physical topology, and by tool in the logical topology. 任务是由机器以物理性的拓扑结构,或者由机器以逻辑性的拓扑结构组织。
However, this view is not convenient to figure out the logical topology of the ND environment. 但是,这个视图不便于展示ND环境的拓扑。
They are also all on the same physical and logical network, although there are no limitations on the network topology that you can use to install Lotus Symphony. 它们也都在相同的物理和逻辑网络上,但对于安装LotusSymphony所使用的网络拓扑实际上并无限制。
This complexity of logical and physical topology appears as a single directory tree ( drive mapping), with sub-directories that may actually be located on remote servers. 把复杂的逻辑和物理拓扑显示为单一目录树(驱动器映射),其中的子目录实际上可能位于远程服务器。
As the SIBus is a logical entity defined across the topology, it is physically manifested in a number of Enterprise Applications that are installed and started. 由于SIBus是通过拓扑定义的逻辑实体,所以它在许多安装并启动的EnterpriseApplications中物理上地显示出来。
The loop free logical topology created is called a tree. 没有?圈的逻辑拓扑叫做树。
The solution is to allow physical loops, but create a loop free logical topology. 解决方法是允许实体拓朴有回圈,但不要让逻辑拓扑有回圈。
A new algorithm called the rapid spanning-tree algorithm was developed to reduce the time for a network to compute a loop free logical topology. 一个新的演算法叫做快速扩充树演算法,是开发用来减少网路上,计算一个没有回圈的逻辑拓扑所需的时间。
Research of balanced algorithm for logical topology reconfiguration in WDM networks WDM网络拓扑重构的均衡算法研究
The algorithm used to create this loop free logical topology is the spanning-tree algorithm. 用来建立没有回圈的逻辑拓扑之演算法通常称为扩充树演算法。
This topology is a star or extended star logical topology. 这种拓扑是星状或延伸式星状的逻辑拓扑。
Traditional DDN Private Network belongs to star topology with shortcomings of difficult adjustment of logical topology and worse extendibility and maintainability of network. 传统DDN专网属于星型拓扑结构,缺点是逻辑拓扑难于调整、网络可扩展性和可维护性较差。
Establish the conceptual model, logical model and physical model of cost subject. The manufacturing process and the factors of the cost are analyzed. The star-like topology is designed including the production facts table and other dimensional tables; 成本主题的概念模型、逻辑模型和物理模型的建立,分析了大孤山选厂工艺制造流程及制造成本构成,设计了生产事实表与其他维度表组成的星型结构;
Here we discuss the impact of wavelength conversion on design of logical topology, performance and management& control of all optical network. 本文综述了波长变换技术对网络的逻辑拓扑结构设计、网络的性能以及网络的管理和控制的影响。
Optimal algorithm based on weight balancing for designing the logical topology of the optical network 基于权重均衡的光网络逻辑拓扑优化算法
In this peper, describing the algorithm not only logical layer topology, but also give the physical layer's, our algorithm can discover heterogeneous Ethernet network comprising multiple subnet as well as "dump" element. 在本文中不仅给出了逻辑层(lay-3)的拓扑发现算法而且给出了一种完整且有效的物理拓扑算法,此算法能够对包含多子网、哑设备的异构IP网络进行物理拓扑发现。
Based on logical topology similar to wavelength graph, the algorithm constructs the multicast tree. 提出的算法基于一种类似于波长图的逻辑拓扑来构造组播树。
The network model construction of GIS for gas network is introduced, the relation between network data model and logical topology is established, and the network analysis of gas network is made. 介绍了燃气管网地理信息系统网络模型的构造。建立了燃气管网数据模型与逻辑拓扑关系,进行了燃气管网的网络分析。
Research network topology discovery algorithm, include logical ( layer-3) topology and physical ( layer-2) topology. 分析与网络拓扑结构相关的MIB对象集,研究了二层网络拓扑发现算法与三层网络拓扑发现算法。
Discovering network topology is necessary for many critical network mangement tasks, but most commercial network management tools have typically concentrated on discovering logical ( i.e., layer-3) topology. Discovering physical network topology is a complicated task. 发现网络拓扑信息是实现许多关键网络管理任务的先决条件,目前大多数的网络管理工具仅提供逻辑(即IP层)的拓扑发现功能,而要发现物理网络拓扑却是个非常困难的任务。
In this paper, an improved logical topology discovery algorithm for administrative domain is proposed. 由此可见,现有的管理域内逻辑拓扑发现算法远远不能满足实际需求。
At present, aspects of topology discovery research has become a mature focused on how to discovery the network layer device, that is, logical network topology, and for link layer topology is lagging behind the study. 目前拓扑发现方面已趋成熟的研究成果主要集中在如何发现网络层设备上,即网络逻辑拓扑,而对于链路层拓扑的研究则相对滞后。
Firstly, it constructs a logical topology among VPN endpoints without considering its underlying physical topology. Secondly, it maps the logical topology into the physical network in terms of different optimal aims. 算法首先在不考虑实际物理网络的上层虚拟专用网用户间构建满足优化目标的虚拟逻辑拓扑,然后依据不同优化目标将虚拟逻辑拓扑映射至实际物理网络获得最优化网络拓扑。
The interconnect physical or logical relationships between each node form a P2P network topology in the network. 网络中各个节点之间的逻辑或物理互联关系形成了P2P网络拓扑结构。
The structure takes into account the characteristics of locality-awareness and interest-focus, and the logical structure and network topology mapping. 在该结构中,考虑了位置感知和兴趣集中的特性,将内容查找的逻辑结构与网络的具体拓扑进行映射,从而提高内容的查找速度。
TT-VLB and TP-VLB use different ways to connect logically and route, then they achieve logical local interconnection, non-central nodes ( networks) and a wide range of application of topology. TT-VLB和TP-VLB将核心/骨干网络中的节点分为多个小区域,采用不同的逻辑连接和路由方式,仅需局部逻辑全互连、无中心节点(网)要求、适用于广泛的拓扑结构。
Structured P2P overlay network that according to certain logical topology of the nodes in the system interconnect is the organizational method which maintain between the nodes to interconnect on the application layer, and through routing messages make any two nodes can communicate with each other. 结构化P2P覆盖网络是一种维护节点之间在应用层上互联的组织方法,它按照一定的逻辑拓扑结构将系统中的节点互连起来,并通过路由消息使得系统中任意两个节点可以互相通信。